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Effective ways to write a startup pitch to attract investors

Starting an organization is a great milestone in the minds of a founder. However, you would need the required funding to keep the venture floating. The bootstrapped venture can survive for a few weeks or a few months depending on the initial money you have invested or can invest.

Having the extra money is difficult if you are a student or out of a job into starting a venture. It is estimated that over 60% to 70% of the startups do not cross the first two years because of lacking the ability to scale. This is despite having an innovative solution to customers problems.

You should aim at attracting an early-stage investor. The investor can work with you in those earlier days. They can give you the much-needed funding that will take you off the ground.  You will of course need to make a compelling startup pitch to attract the early-stage investors. We will look at how you can deliver a winning pitch to them.

The guidelines would be:

  • Keep the pitch simple and conversational
    • The investors have heard multiple pitches before you went to them. They are probably aware or are interested in your solution for a specific use case. That is the reason they might have even accepted to meet up with you. You will have to avoid any jargons or any cliches in your pitch. Using those will lead to the investors perceiving you to be another company that is trying to wing something into the presentation and making quick money. Sometimes, they might not even understand if they are not well aware of the space.
  • Apt elevator pitch
    • You will have to capture the essence of your entire pitch in two to three minutes. That is when you will keep the interest alive. Sometimes, you will have send a short writeup of your startup before they accept to meet up with you. The initial introduction of Who you are, What you do , Who you ideally work for, What problems they face, How is your solution helpful and What benefits you can give to your clients should be very sharp.
  • A problem and your solution situation
    • Once you have done your initial elevator pitch, it is time to get into the details. You will have to state the customer problem you are attempting to solve. You will also have to state how big the market is for that problem. the market size will definitely attract the investors.
  • Competitor Analysis and Differentiators
    • You can then get into details of the existing solutions available and the gaps in the market. You can talk about how your customer is living on sub optimal situations because of the half-baked solutions. You can then get into articulating how your solutions can solve those problems. Investors would like you if you have one strong differentiation in your kitty. This is much better than saying that I am a Me Too product but will compete on price,
  • List your projections
    • You can then come up with a financial plan that will outline your ASK. You can tell them how much you have done and what you intend to do. You can use this as a reference and can ask your investors for the money you would need to move from here to your goal post.

To conclude.. Yes, it is good to think that your investors are needed for your organization. However, you will also have to think on why they should invest in your venture. They have limited time and limited money. They would like for their investment to grow multiple times. They also have limited attention span. So, you will have to storify the entire pitch and give them the information they would like to hear.