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A digital marketing strategy is a process that outlines your plan on how your business will achieve its online goals. The digital strategy will be about building a website and writing content that will be contextual to your buyer persona. The next phase will then summarize how you will take those web pages into the devices that your consumer will use. The channels of choice include search, social, mobile, and email.

Let us now discuss how we will execute a digital marketing strategy. The elements are

Ø Branding decision

Ø Build Your Buyer Personas

Ø Choose your digital marketing strategies:

Ø Creating curated content.

Ø Set your digital marketing budget

Ø Launch your campaigns.

Ø Track your results 

Branding decision:

You will have to define your brand elements and use your brand guidelines to define your brand. You will have to build out a strategy for your online campaigns. Think about your differentiators and value proposition. Begin with an end goal in mind. The goals can be business growth, new customer acquisition, acquiring followers, to name a few. You will also have to decide how you would want to brand your organization.

Build your buyer personas:

Determine who you would like to target. You will have to come up with identifying your buyer persona. You will have to look at the problems they face on a day to day basis. You will have to position your brand from the buyer persona perspective.

Choose your digital marketing strategies:

Now that you have defined your buyer personas, you will know the pain points they face. You will have to effectively pick up the tabs on what channels they will be using. You will then have to find out what sort of content will work for them based on your content strategy. Pick up the best plan for your business. Design a marketing funnel. A marketing funnel is one that unfolds when you map out a customers’ journey from when a customer is a stranger to when they become a lead. Come up with additional strategies to influence their journey from this stage to get them to buy. You will have to implement engagement techniques like calls to action, opt-ins, and offers.

Creating Contextual Content: 

Content is your king. You have to use the content to attract your visitors to stay engaged in your site. You can couple it along with effective CTAs. You will have to look at your customer journey and should move them towards the buy button. Visualize how your buyer will go through their buyer’s journey. Explore how they will consume your content and will get influenced to buy.

Set your digital marketing budget:

Look at the descriptive analytics of your past digital performance. Come up with a marketing funnel. Work out the efforts for you to reach your results. Come up with a plan for the resources, efforts, and time you will have to spend on the initiative.

Launch your campaigns:

Launch your campaigns across multiple channels once you finish your planning. Ensure that your channels feature the appropriate tracking information. You will be able to find the effectiveness of each of your campaigns.

Track your results:

You can monitor and measure the performance of your strategies. Use tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Facebook Analytics, Linkedin Analytics as a few tools to track the performance.