Vassant Salgaonkar

I have enjoyed being mentored by fiire team and I appreciate having had this wonderful opportunity to associate with you all. During this last one year you have provided me support and through byour encouragement…


I have rented out this space since March and I would like to say that FiiRE is a place where you can efficiently work due to the great environment as wellfacilities here. FiiRE has mentors…

Rohit Sankpal

FiiRE has great Infrastructure and a focused environment, which helps you focus on your work. And with the legion of mentors that visit FiiRE, it helps you get different perspectives on the things needed to…

K Karthikeyan

Fiire has been the incubation we needed since long. We have been able to draw clear picture of our business plan, vision and are thankful to the management of Fiire for helping in every aspect…